Check the calendar to make sure that the property is available to avoid conflict.
No vehicles are permitted to drive past the parking lot.
Open the gate:
- Turn sign at the gate to read open.
- Take the orange flag from behind the sign and install it in the socket indicating the range is active.
At the club house:
- Put the flag up indicating what activity is taking place.
- Open the club house and sign into the guest book with your name and OFAH number stating your business.
- If using one of the ranges a range officer must be appointed and the rules for that particular range must be followed. All shooters must have a PAL or RPAL or be under the direct supervision of someone who does.
Archery range:
- A red flag must be flown indicating this range is hot.
- A range officer must be appointed to oversee activity and control the line.
Trap range:
- You must be a member of the trap club and trap night is Tuesday and Thursday.
- A red flag is flown indicating the range is hot
- A sign located in the club house is hung at the trappers station with the trap rules to be followed.
- Range officer is Conrad Musyj.
- When the thrower is empty and someone needs to go forward or work on the thrower a yellow flag is flown from the top of the trap house by the trapper.
- The yellow flag is located in the sleeve on the trap house door.
- All shooters must rack their guns and stand back before anyone goes forward and must remain back until called to the line by the trapper.
- Patterning a shotgun is to be done from #3 station not at the rifle range.
Rifle Range:
- Turn sign to “Range Open” located at the entrance to the rifle range.
- The sign-in book is located in the shed at the rifle range behind the shooting bench.
- If there is more than one shooter a range officer must be chosen to oversee activity and control the line and shooters.
- In order to go forward to check and change targets a cease fire is called and all shooters must unload rack their guns and stand back behind a cease fire line.
- The range officer is to fly a green flag out front before anyone is allowed to go forward.
- Shooting clay targets on a non-reflective stand is permitted.
- Bring your own targets, do not take clay targets from the club house or trap range.
- Please pick up the debris from the broken targets when you are done.
- Pick up your spent brass.
- Safety glasses and ear protection are mandatory.
- Shooting Tannerite exploding targets is prohibited.
- Do not shoot into the floor of the range.
- Your bullet must impact the designated area in the backstop.
- When you are finished, sign out and turn the sign to closed, take down flags, lock the club house and lock the gate.
The property should be as good as you found it or better.
Thank you - DDCC Inc. Executive